Achieve Fitness is committed to promoting fitness and health in the Oklahoma City and Tulsa Metro Areas. We focus on complete wellness through personal and group training, equipment sales, and nutritional products.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Protandim Report

I've been taking Protandim for three months and want to report what my experience has been. I had no obvious health issues before starting and have most of the time done what I can to stay fit and healthy. Obviously, I haven't always achieved my goal of eating correctly and exercising regularly. But, I have good energy levels, no joint pain, no major illnesses, etc.

At the age of 50, I began working out more intensely and have continued to push myself toward better fitness. Aside from overuse symptoms in my left knee and an occasional minor muscle strain here or there, I have been able to increase my fitness and strength levels. I am now 53 and feel just a good and almost as strong as I did in my 20's.

I purposely quit taking other supplements when I started taking Protandim in order to better evaluate its effects. I can honestly say my sleep has improved, my energy levels are better, and my cardio has improved dramatically. I've been doing a lot of plyo and intense cardio since I started on Protandim. I haven't been lifting weights as much I as have in the past. I plan on picking up the resistance training over the next couple of months to see what differences I notice.

I don't see a lot of reports of fitness experts or athletes using Protandim...yet. I believe the athletic and fitness world will soon recognize the importance of using Protandim for quicker recovery, more endurance, and to reduce oxidative stress that comes with intense exercise.

Here are a couple of informative videos on the superiority of Protandim vs. Direct Anti-oxidents:

Protandim Review Lecture (2/2)

Protandim Review Lecture (1/2)