Achieve Fitness is committed to promoting fitness and health in the Oklahoma City and Tulsa Metro Areas. We focus on complete wellness through personal and group training, equipment sales, and nutritional products.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Corporate Wellness
Achieve Fitness Oklahoma is now offering on of the top corporate wellness programs in the US.  This program is for businesses both large and small.  We will be posting more details very soon.  Please contact Gary at for more information. 

This is a great article by a friend and colleague, Lisa Orton:
How Fitness Helps With Corporate Wellness
Businesses all over the country are engaging with the concept of corporate wellness as means of keeping their workforce happy and healthy. The idea is simple enough – healthier employees tend to be happier in their work and more productive. Corporate wellness programs, of course, need to be tailored to suit the needs of the business and often to individual employee as well. However, if you have the idea that a company that adopts a corporate wellness strategy is just getting its staff to work out for five minutes before a day’s work, think again. High quality corporate wellness schemes are much more varied and involve varied approaches including customizable nutritional programs, weight loss tips and bespoke exercise regimes. Given the right approach, staff can start to feel the benefits of corporate wellness surprisingly quickly with changes to fitness levels becoming apparent even after a few sessions. For the employer, the benefits can more marked and longer lasting than, at first, you might expect.
What Is In It For The Employer?
For corporations and organizations that adopt a wellness program, the advantages can become apparent rapidly. It is not just Oklahoma City based enterprises that promote healthy workplaces in order to mitigate for the cost of employer health insurance costs, but companies right across America. Commitment to a corporate wellness program can be a cost related strategy, but the real dividend is with fitter workers. According to the US Chamber of Commerce’s paper Healthy Workforce 2010 and Beyond, it is improved productivity that is the beneficial outcome for a healthier workforce. This, it should be said, is not simply a reduction in the number of sick days an average employee will take over the course of year. Healthier workers simply work more productively when they are at work. So called presenteeism, where employees turn up to work but perform in an impaired way due to illness, is often vastly reduced. Another important factor that employers should remember is that corporate wellness programs tend to offer specialist advice for all-round well-being including nutrition. After all, myths about weight loss and dieting, such as those discussed by Licensed Prescriptions, tend to spread around workplace environments and many have no basis in fact. Lastly, many programs are offered at low cost, or even free, at start up so employers can get an idea of the return with very little up front cost.
What Is In It For The Employee?
Staff that work for a company with a corporate wellness program tend to feel better about their work. Sure, sometimes a morning work-out video can feel like an interruption to the work ahead, but more often than not it promotes an active approach to later tasks. A motivated employee, who has warmed up with some physical activity, is more likely to prioritize their workload effectively, become more target oriented and more productive for longer periods during the day. The health benefits of a corporate wellness program mean that staff can expect, on average, to be less obese and more nutritionally aware. Although no one could claim that corporate wellness programs prevent illness, the health benefits of weight loss and cardio-vascular exercise mean that those who do take part are less likely to suffer from the health complications associated with a sedentary lifestyle. For employees who do not have an exercise regime outside of a corporate wellness program, there are mental health benefits to consider. For example mild, but regular exertion can help with conditions such as depression, anxiety and stress.
What To Look Out For
Not all corporate wellness program providers are the same, so if you are considering introducing one into your organization there are certain things to look out for. Depending on the nature of your business and employee make up you might not need all of these. Nevertheless, the following questions are good ones to ask for most regular businesses.
  • Does the provider help with all round health advice, not just provide a work out program?
  • Can the provider help the employer link their scheme to Employee Assistance Programs?
  • Can the provider integrate their services within your organization’s corporate structure, for isntance over several sites?
  • How does the provider evaluate improvements in employee health and the associated upturn in productivity?
  • Can health screening programs be brought in at a later date to support the wellness program?
by Lisa Orton

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Achieve Fitness Oklahoma now has a nutrition division.  Tom Hays is the President and Owner of Achieve Nutrition USA. Tom is a former professional chef who has prepared food for numerous world class entertainers and world leaders. His culinary training has taken him from Colorado to Switzerland, Italy and the Bahamas. Several years ago Tom returned to college and received his Bachelor of Science degree in Holistic Nutrition and is board certified through the American Association of Drugless Practitioners as a Holistic Health Practitioner. Since that time, Tom has also received his certification as a Personal Trainer from the American Council on Exercise as well as Master Trainer certification with KFit USA. For the previous 9 years Tom has been the Wellness Specialist for The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company`s Spa Division. Pairing his nutritional knowledge and food preparation skills with an intelligent exercise regime has given Tom the perfect platform from which to assist those striving for optimal health while maintaining everyday functionality. Tom`s health philosophy is one of balance. He believes that one must have the proper ratio of nutrition, exercise and pleasure to be truly healthy and happy.
We are committed to offering the very best to our clients in order to achieve maximum fitness, health, and wellness through exercise, nutrition, and supplementation.  Contact us today to get professional nutrition counseling at great rate!