Achieve Fitness is committed to promoting fitness and health in the Oklahoma City and Tulsa Metro Areas. We focus on complete wellness through personal and group training, equipment sales, and nutritional products.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Simple Tip on Weight Loss

I read an article by Scott Colby, Achieve Fitness Coach, with a very simple, healthy tip on losing weight. Scott's expertise is getting six-pack abs. That may not be your goal right now but this tip will help you lose weight the right way and is an extremely healthly eating plan.

Here it is: Don't count calories...count ingredients! Try to eat single ingredient foods or foods with as few ingredients as possible. Foods like eggs, oatmeal, nuts, berries, apples, spinach, chicken, salmon, sweet potatoes, etc.

If you eat mainly these foods, you will stay fuller and there won't be a need to count calories. Plus, you get the added benefit of eating a more natural, healthy diet.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Simple Tips to Get Started on Weight Loss

When asked what they need to do to improve their health, most people have the response, "I need to lose weight". We are surrounded by ads that promise rapid weight loss without exercise. There is always a new diet with a promise of losing weight easily and fast. The danger is - what are you losing? Weight loss comes from loss of body mass (water, fat, muscle and bone). The only way to permanently lose weight is to target fat stores while increasing muscle mass and bone density. Proper exercise, diet and nutrition is the only way to accomplish this goal.

Rapid weight loss by starving yourself is like slowly committing suicide. Rapid weight loss through starvation results in dehydration, loss of muscle mass, and loss of bone. We see all of these symptoms in the elderly and dying. We can slow down the aging process by keeping our bodies lean, strong and well-fed.

The key is getting started! Here are a few tips to get started on a lifetime of fitness and health:

1. Move - do something at least 30 minutes per day! Walk, ride a bike, workout, swim, etc.

2. Sleep - get 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night. The majority of HGH (human growth hormone) is released during sleep.

3. Eat well - don't skip breakfast. Eat 5-6 small nutritious meals per day. Get plenty of fruits and vegetable and don't eat at least 3 -4 hours before bedtime.

This is a basic guide for healthy weight loss and fitness. I will share more in depth in later blogs. The main thing to do right now is get started!