Achieve Fitness is committed to promoting fitness and health in the Oklahoma City and Tulsa Metro Areas. We focus on complete wellness through personal and group training, equipment sales, and nutritional products.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Three ways to lose weight during the holidays!

1. Plan – In order to lose weight during the holidays you must plan. Plan your workout schedule and stick to it. Plan what you will and will not eat! Plan on how you will burn off the extra calories from that cake you ate!
2. Introduce a protein shake into your daily routine. Use the protein shake to not only get rid of those cravings for sweets but to reduce the number of calories that you consume during the day.
3. Increase your cardio workout time. This is a simple step. Just take the stairs instead of the elevator or park your car at the very end of the parking lot. Increasing your cardiac workout will burn more calories and continue to build lean muscle.
Have a happy, healthy holiday and if you want us to help you lose the weight or build a personal plan just call at: 405-795-9030

Can Starbucks make you gain weight?

Absolutely, consuming a nonfat Tazo Green Tea Latte five times per week will increase your caloric intake by 750 calories and if you happen to drink a nonfat Caffe Mocha without whip cream it will add 850 calories per week. Now this does not seem like much but when you add up the calories week after week it ends up on your waistline.
So should you stop drinking Starbucks? No! Starbucks is not evil nor is ice cream or cheese cake. One must simply understand that each of these treats add additional calories to your overall count and those calories must be dealt with each day. If you are going to drink Starbucks then walk an extra mile or climb 20 more flights of stairs. Do something each day to reduce your calories if you are planning on adding a special treat. One simple way to reduce calories is replace a meal with a protein shake.
Most of all do not fret if you had a few too many treats. Just plan on working out a little more or eating a little less. This will provide you with the ability to enjoy life and food and maintain a healthy weight. So next time you are in Starbucks go ahead and tell them to add the whip cream with a smile.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

In-Home Personal Training

We have had great success in building our Achieve Fitness business by offering In Home Personal Training to our clients.  We currently offer service throughout the Oklahoma City metro area and have recently expanded into Tulsa.  Some of my clients are very busy professionals and just do not have time to run to the gym with their busy schedules.  Others have not worked out in years and would rather do so in the comfort and privacy of their own home.  Regardless of the reason, we see great results with our in home training clients.  Contrary to what most people think, you don't need expensive equipment or a gym membership to reach your fitness goals.  We use minimal to no equipment and are able to help people lose weight, gain strength and endurance, increase flexibility, and improve their overall health.  Contact us today for a consultation!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Protandim Report

I've been taking Protandim for three months and want to report what my experience has been. I had no obvious health issues before starting and have most of the time done what I can to stay fit and healthy. Obviously, I haven't always achieved my goal of eating correctly and exercising regularly. But, I have good energy levels, no joint pain, no major illnesses, etc.

At the age of 50, I began working out more intensely and have continued to push myself toward better fitness. Aside from overuse symptoms in my left knee and an occasional minor muscle strain here or there, I have been able to increase my fitness and strength levels. I am now 53 and feel just a good and almost as strong as I did in my 20's.

I purposely quit taking other supplements when I started taking Protandim in order to better evaluate its effects. I can honestly say my sleep has improved, my energy levels are better, and my cardio has improved dramatically. I've been doing a lot of plyo and intense cardio since I started on Protandim. I haven't been lifting weights as much I as have in the past. I plan on picking up the resistance training over the next couple of months to see what differences I notice.

I don't see a lot of reports of fitness experts or athletes using Protandim...yet. I believe the athletic and fitness world will soon recognize the importance of using Protandim for quicker recovery, more endurance, and to reduce oxidative stress that comes with intense exercise.

Here are a couple of informative videos on the superiority of Protandim vs. Direct Anti-oxidents:

Protandim Review Lecture (2/2)

Protandim Review Lecture (1/2)